The heart of these conferences is EQUIPPING. We bring men that can speak from a masculine perspective and in many cases can speak to men in ways that they either don’t hear on Sunday’s or in some case can’t hear on Sunday’s because of the mixed audiences.

We also actively promote that we want men to bring their young sons or grandson’s with them ages 13 and up. We must walk with young men and allow them to experience Biblical Manhood in the context of these conferences, so that they see and understand how and what godly men struggle with and that God is providing resources that compliment God’s word and using the Bible to answer these tough questions.

The vision is that groups of men from their local church would gather together and attend. This allows many men to experience the vast resources and help assemble ideas and connections that they can take back into their local church AFTER the conference to continue building and equipping other men INSIDE their churches.

So the heart of these Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences is equipping, the vision is men coming from their local church to take back the resources into their local church, and the value is after the conference is over we are not going anywhere. Relevant Practical Ministry for Men (Tom Cheshire & Tom Gensler) are remaining in your local area to continue to be a PERSONAL resource to you and the men in your local church. To be the encourager and connector to continue equipping your men with resources and material we can provide. Our ministry services range from helping you develop or revamp a disciple making ministry to men in your local church, to speaking at your ministry meetings, or leading one-day seminars or weekly manhood studies.

If you have any questions about these conferences or how to bring men from your local church please contact me Tom Cheshire at