The beginning of October 2015 my local church hosted a Men’s Retreat.  We had Author & National Seminar Presenter Steve Etner lead our weekend.  He did a terrific job, we recorded it and thought it would be a great resource to make available to you.

About The Purity Coach Steve Etner

The Purity Coach is a ministry focused on helping men develop the Biblical skills necessary to defeat lust, pornography and masturbation (self-gratification) – in short: to be sexually pure.

Steve Etner - The Purity Coach - with his amazing wife Heather

A Testimony of God’s Grace 

2 Corinthians 1:4 says that God is the “God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can  comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

Although Heather and I do NOT have the picture perfect marriage, we have learned to go to God with our problems because the Word of God has the answers for every situation in life. Oh, we still struggle thru our sinfulness. But we rejoice in what God is doing in our lives, and in the privilege of comforting others with the comfort we received from God.  Read More About Steve